This program is administered by the NYSERDA. “Charge Ready NY (PON 3923) provides $4,000 per installed electric vehicle (EV) charging port to applicants who purchase and install qualified Level 2 EV charging equipment at New York State locations that provide public charging, workplace charging, or charging at a multi-unit dwelling (MUD). Public and private (both for-profit and not-for-profit) entities may participate in the Program. Applicants should be the owners of the EV charging equipment. Incentives are provided upon completion of the installation of EV charging equipment and the provision of appropriate documentation. Full program rules and procedures, a link to the program application, additional information about the program, and current lists of qualified EV charging equipment and network providers can be found at nyserda. NY. gov/Charge-Ready-NY. “
State: NY
Resource Intensity: Low
Co-founding: No
Cost Share: N/A
Sector: Energy, Transportation
Support Stage: Implementation
Support to: Government of any level, Private Entities, Public Entities
Type of Funding: Grant